How to Make the Perfect Cup of Tea

Stuart Costen
3 min readJan 19, 2021

How do you like yours? I like mine to taste like tea.

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Taking a leaf out of George Orwell’s book, I felt compelled to share my method of making the best brew, every time.

A lot of people have their favourite brand, but most of the time, a lot of these companies have been selling tea for years, and it’d pretty mad to sit and say one is better than another.

A bad workman always blames his tools, as they say, so what I tend to find is that incorrectly made tea tastes bad.

I discovered I had been making my brew all wrong for years when I started a new job and my manager at the time taught me his method, and since then, my teas have never tasted better.

Not one to keep such gifts to myself, here is my method.

1. Firstly, and the most obvious, boil the kettle.

2. Get your tea bag and put it in the cup ready. I find it best to use a standard tea/coffee mug; I have drunk out of fancy mugs, making the tea taste different, and not in a good way. Especially, and I know this sounds odd, if the mug walls are too thin, or if the feel of the mug is grainy. The mug should also be a typical cylinder, so as wide at the bottom as it is at the top.

3. Once the water has boiled, tip it straight into the cup. None of this waiting…



Stuart Costen

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